Iteration #32: Transitions (~57MB, mp3)
Made progress this week in getting organized at work, developing habits that will hopefully help me *keep* work organized and prevent it from being a source of too much anxiety and stress. Improved my perspective on the tenure process. Yeah, so lots of work, work, academia, libraries, work, work... but that's what this week has been about. (This is all going somewhere, folks!)
(Sorry about the wind...)
Colophon: Musical samples from Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers, the Smashing Pumpkins, and Jeremy Messersmith. Toolbox for #32 includes: Sony ICD-UX200 recorder, Powershot SD600, Thinkpad X201i, iTunes, VLC media player, YouTube Downloader, Audacity, Mp3tag, Picasa, Photoshop CS3, Flickr, and Blogger.
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